Recipe: Full Plate Armor Recipe: Full Plate Armor

NPC Name Level Type Quantity Chance
Tarlk Basilisk Tarlk Basilisk location on the map 50 Passive 1 1 / 4,274
Ol Mahum Transcender Ol Mahum Transcender location on the map 50 Passive 1 1 / 2,801
Purgatory Invader Priest 50 Passive 1 1 / 1,773
Cruel Punisher Cruel Punisher location on the map 52 Passive 1 1 / 3,690
Ol Mahum Transcender 53 Aggressive 1 1 / 1,730
Ol Mahum Transcender 55 Aggressive 1 1 / 1,131
Ol Mahum Transcender 58 Aggressive 1 1 / 869
Vanor Silenos Chieftain Vanor Silenos Chieftain location on the map 50 Passive 1 1.0309%
Purgatory Invader Soldier 50 Aggressive 1 1.2658%