Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)

NPC Name Level Type Quantity Chance
Akaste Succubus Turen Akaste Succubus Turen location on the map 21 Aggressive 1 1 / 1,048
Dre Vanul Slayer 22 Aggressive 1 1 / 750
Ol Mahum Reserve Ol Mahum Reserve location on the map 23 Passive 1 1 / 671
Langk Lizardman Shaman Langk Lizardman Shaman location on the map 24 Passive 1 1 / 636
Dre Vanul Disposer Dre Vanul Disposer location on the map 22 Aggressive 1 1.1236%
Maille Lizardman Scout Maille Lizardman Scout location on the map 22 Passive 1 1 / 115