Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 61 Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 61

NPC Name Level Type Quantity Chance
Fallen Orc Shaman Fallen Orc Shaman location on the map 58 Passive 1 1 / 8,333
Kranrot Kranrot location on the map 59 Aggressive 1 1 / 9,615
Grave Predator Grave Predator location on the map 59 Aggressive 1 1 / 30,303
Sharp Talon Tiger Sharp Talon Tiger location on the map 59 Aggressive 1 1 / 18,519
Beast Seer 59 Passive 1 1 / 2,857
Purgatory Conjurer Purgatory Conjurer location on the map 59 Aggressive 1 1 / 10,638
Frost Iron Golem Frost Iron Golem location on the map 59 Aggressive 1 1 / 21,739
Gamlin Gamlin location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 12,658
Ghost of the Tower Ghost of the Tower location on the map 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 10,526
Seer of Hallate Seer of Hallate location on the map 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 17,544
Hungered Corpse 60 Passive 1 1 / 40,000
Doom Servant Doom Servant location on the map 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 29,412
Fallen Orc Captain Fallen Orc Captain location on the map 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 16,129
Bloody Lady Bloody Lady location on the map 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 5,435
Sepulcher Guardian Sepulcher Guardian location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 16,129
Crypt Guardian Crypt Guardian location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 20,408
Eye of Splendor Eye of Splendor location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 7,143
Claws of Splendor Claws of Splendor location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 4,386
Claws of Splendor 60 Passive 1 1 / 14,706
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 Passive 1 1 / 365
Forbidden Path Invader Priest 60 Passive 1 1 / 2,033
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 58,824
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 Aggressive 1 1 / 8,130
Lost Buffalo Lost Buffalo location on the map 60 Passive 1 1 / 20,833
Cave Beast Cave Beast location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 4,587
Barif's Pet 61 Passive 1 1 / 3,891
Ghastly Warrior Ghastly Warrior location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 5,848
Archer of Despair Archer of Despair location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 5,682
Doom Guard Doom Guard location on the map 61 Passive 1 1 / 16,949
Purgatory Shadow Purgatory Shadow location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 9,346
Flash of Splendor Flash of Splendor location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 50,000
Blade of Splendor Blade of Splendor location on the map 61 Passive 1 1 / 17,241
Blade of Splendor 61 Passive 1 1 / 17,857
Frost Buffalo Frost Buffalo location on the map 61 Aggressive 1 1 / 25,000
Ursus Cub 61 Passive 1 1 / 50,000