Dark Corpse (40)     Dark Corpse location on the map Location

Undead (1)
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids.HP Increase (1/2x) (9)
Strong M. Def. (14)
Resist Bow Weapons (3)
Resistant to archery attacks.

Exp: 1268, SP: 82
Aggressive: No, Herbs: Yes
HP: 1527, P.Atk: 273, M.Atk: 131, RunSpd: 129
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adena Adena (170-339) - 70%
Varnish Varnish (1) - 4.7619%
Coal Coal (1) - 4.5455%
Elven Mithril Boots Design Elven Mithril Boots Design (1) - 1 / 230
Cokes Cokes (1) - 1 / 230
Brigandine Gauntlets Pattern Brigandine Gauntlets Pattern (1) - 1 / 230
Boots of Power Pattern Boots of Power Pattern (1) - 1 / 307
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity (1) - 1 / 307
Elven Mithril Gloves Design Elven Mithril Gloves Design (1) - 1 / 461
Brigandine Boots Design Brigandine Boots Design (1) - 1 / 461
Manticore Skin Gloves Lining Manticore Skin Gloves Lining (1) - 1 / 461
Manticore Skin Boot Lining Manticore Skin Boot Lining (1) - 1 / 461

Cokes Cokes (1) - 3%
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity (1) - 3%
Elven Earring Beads Elven Earring Beads (1) - 2%