Panthera (56)

Exp: 2448, SP: 201
Aggressive: Yes, Herbs: Yes
HP: 2723, P.Atk: 706, M.Atk: 382, RunSpd: 129
Item Name |
Crystals (Grade) |
Chance |
Drop |
Adena (521-1778) |
- |
70% |
Spellbook - Arcane Disruption (1) |
- |
1.01% |
Spellbook: Turn Undead (1) |
- |
1 / 116 |
Stockings of Zubei Fabric (1) |
- |
1 / 336 |
Tunic of Zubei Fabric (1) |
- |
1 / 450 |
Avadon Robe Fabric (1) |
- |
1 / 578 |
Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 58 (1) |
- |
1 / 13,514 |
Stockings of Zubei (1) |
129 B |
1 / 45,455 |
Tunic of Zubei (1) |
208 B |
1 / 52,632 |
Avadon Robe (1) |
304 B |
1 / 100,000 |
Spoils |
Adamantite Earring Gemstone (1) |
- |
6.25% |
Recipe: Earrings of Black Ore (1) |
- |
1.3158% |
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) (1) |
- |
1 / 1,050 |
Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%) (1) |
- |
1 / 1,235 |