Giant Marpanak (60)
Exp: 3123036, SP: 491139
Aggressive: No, Herbs: No
HP: 1456579, P.Atk: 5208, M.Atk: 2697, RunSpd: 291
Item Name |
Crystals (Grade) |
Chance |
Drop |
Bow of Peril Shaft (12-36) |
- |
25.95% |
Destruction Tombstone (5-6) |
- |
25% |
false Nucleus of Life: B-Grade (4-8) |
- |
25% |
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+4 Wit-4) (2-4) |
- |
21.31% |
Doom Shield Fragment (40-120) |
- |
17.87% |
Greater Dye of WIT (Wit+4 Int-4) (2-6) |
- |
15.98% |
Greater Dye of WIT (Wit+4 Men-4) (3-7) |
- |
12.79% |
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) (6-18) |
- |
9.66% |
Doom Shield (1) |
112 B |
7.52% |
Blue Wolf Helmet Design (81-243) |
- |
7.41% |
Doom Helmet (1) |
161 B |
5.25% |
Blue Wolf Helmet (1) |
161 B |
5.25% |
Doom Helmet Pattern (140-420) |
- |
4.29% |
Bow of Peril (1) |
1746 B |
2.18% |
Spoils |