Magma Drake (80)     Magma Drake location on the map Location

Dragons (10)
It is the general name for the most powerful creatures in existence--True Dragon, that represents the evil creatures produced by Shilen, and its kin.  Most of this race fly with two wings like that of the reptiles and emanate strong energy through the mouth.HP Increase (6x) (14)
Slightly Strong P. Atk. (12)
Slightly Strong M. Atk. (12)
Strong P. Def. (14)
Slightly Weak M. Def. (10)
Resist Fire (3)
Resistant to fire attacks.Water Attack Weak Point (1)
Vulnerable to water attacks.

Exp: 54150, SP: 6780
Aggressive: Yes, Herbs: No
HP: 4812, P.Atk: 2095, M.Atk: 1387, RunSpd: 211
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adena Adena (7443-15195) - 70%
Suede Suede (1-3) - 20.24%
Charcoal Charcoal (4-12) - 11.39%
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget (1) - 3.64%
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant (1) - 1.82%
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener (1) - 1 / 126
Tallum Glaive Edge Tallum Glaive Edge (1) - 1 / 133
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) (1) - 1 / 27,027
Tallum Glaive Tallum Glaive (1) 2160 A 1 / 47,619

Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget (1) - 100%
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener (1) - 16.6667%
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) (1) - 1 / 1,351