Mithril Arrow Mithril Arrow

NPC Name Level Type Quantity Chance
Sirra's Page 59 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Tomb Guardian Tomb Guardian location on the map 65 Aggressive 20-60 17.19%
Nihil Invader 66 Passive 10-30 9.43%
Mul's Knight 67 Passive 20-60 10.44%
Hell Keeper Crimson Doll Hell Keeper Crimson Doll location on the map 67 Aggressive 30-90 12.23%
Tomb Sage Tomb Sage location on the map 67 Aggressive 20-60 18.44%
Purgatory Gargoyle Purgatory Gargoyle location on the map 68 Aggressive 20-60 16.59%
Rudelto's Banshee 68 Passive 20-60 87.05%
Rudelto's Dre Vanul 68 Passive 20-60 87.05%
Lilim Soldier 69 Passive 30-90 12.69%
Nephilim Archbishop 69 Passive 150-450 2.76%
Cabrio Captor 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Cabrio Blader 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Korim Chief Guard Kaywon 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Korim Guards 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Handmaiden of Themis 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Themis's Sentinel 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Behemoth Javeliner 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Behemoth Flare 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Barakiel's Disciple 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Barakiel's Acolyte 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Wyvern of Marsh 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Succubus of Marsh 69 Passive 20-60 89.85%
Lava Wyrm Lava Wyrm location on the map 70 Aggressive 10-30 12.98%
Crypt Guard Crypt Guard location on the map 70 Passive 40-120 9.4%
Violet 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Kurstin 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Mina 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Dorian 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Immortal Savior 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Immortal Guide 70 Passive 20-60 92.8%
Platinum Guardian Archer Platinum Guardian Archer location on the map 71 Aggressive 40-120 10.62%
Eye of Restrainer Eye of Restrainer location on the map 71 Aggressive 30-90 8.47%
Behemoth Zombie Behemoth Zombie location on the map 71 Passive 10-30 17.34%
Bone Caster Bone Caster location on the map 71 Passive 10-30 16.06%
Vampire Soldier Vampire Soldier location on the map 71 Passive 10-30 19.9%
Family of Sheshark 71 Passive 20-60 95.7%
Guard of Sheshark 71 Passive 20-60 95.7%
Kandra's Healer 71 Passive 20-60 95.7%
Kandra's Guard 71 Passive 20-60 95.7%
Bound Archer 72 Passive 20-60 17.48%
Hames Orc Sniper Hames Orc Sniper location on the map 72 Passive 30-90 5.87%
Crypt Preacher Crypt Preacher location on the map 72 Aggressive 30-90 13.59%
Buffalo Slave Buffalo Slave location on the map 72 Aggressive 40-120 10.17%
Gaze of Nightmare Gaze of Nightmare location on the map 72 Passive 30-90 16.01%
Needle Stakato Soldier Needle Stakato Soldier location on the map 72 Aggressive 10-30 14.94%
Bone Scavenger Bone Scavenger location on the map 72 Passive 30-90 6.76%
Bone Scavenger Bone Scavenger location on the map 72 Passive 30-90 6.31%
Vampire Magician Vampire Magician location on the map 72 Aggressive 10-30 15.76%
Vampire Warrior Vampire Warrior location on the map 72 Passive 20-60 9.91%
Death Mage Krician 72 Passive 20-60 98.65%
Death Fighter Harik 72 Passive 20-60 98.65%
Cursed Guardian Cursed Guardian location on the map 73 Passive 10-30 16.78%
Homunculus Homunculus location on the map 73 Aggressive 40-120 9.79%
Hot Springs Buffalo Hot Springs Buffalo location on the map 73 Passive 30-90 10.87%
Vampire Wizard Vampire Wizard location on the map 73 Passive 10-30 16.36%
Vampire Wizard Vampire Wizard location on the map 73 Passive 10-30 16.78%
Vampire Magister Vampire Magister location on the map 73 Passive 30-90 5.45%
Vampire Magister Vampire Magister location on the map 73 Passive 30-90 6.38%
Vampire Magister Vampire Magister location on the map 73 Passive 10-30 14.09%
Grave Scarab Grave Scarab location on the map 73 Passive 10-30 18.55%
Dark Omen Invader Archer 73 Aggressive 30-90 12.19%
Dark Omen Invader Warrior 73 Aggressive 20-60 16.16%
Spiked Stakato Worker Spiked Stakato Worker location on the map 73 Aggressive 40-120 10%
Cloe's Servitor 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Cloe's Servitor 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Parhit Padisha Sobekk 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Krokian Padisha Sobekk 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Icicle Giant 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Icicle Giant 73 Passive 60-180 33.9%
Bloody Mystic 74 Passive 30-90 10.48%
Grendel Slave Grendel Slave location on the map 74 Aggressive 20-60 33.66%
Disciples of Protection Disciples of Protection location on the map 74 Aggressive 100-300 7.69%
Hot Springs Flava Hot Springs Flava location on the map 74 Aggressive 30-90 11.37%
Hot Springs Antelope Hot Springs Antelope location on the map 74 Passive 30-90 11.23%
Grave Ant Grave Ant location on the map 74 Passive 40-120 4.27%
Female Spiked Stakato Female Spiked Stakato location on the map 74 Aggressive 186-530 3.45%
Male Spiked Stakato Male Spiked Stakato location on the map 74 Passive 102-244 4%
Taliadon 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Vemsk 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Man-Eating Plant of Palatanos 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Sapling of Palatanos 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Decarbia's Royal Guard 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Decarbia's Escort 74 Passive 60-180 34.92%
Bloody Guardian Bloody Guardian location on the map 75 Aggressive 20-60 20.94%
Disciples of Punishment Disciples of Punishment location on the map 75 Aggressive 40-120 17.95%
Disciples of Punishment Disciples of Punishment location on the map 75 Aggressive 40-120 18.71%
Hot Springs Nepenthes Hot Springs Nepenthes location on the map 75 Aggressive 10-30 44.36%
Shrine Knight Shrine Knight location on the map 75 Passive 10-30 21.63%
Dark Omen Invader Soldier 75 Aggressive 40-120 11.27%
Dark Omen Invader Magus 75 Aggressive 20-60 17.15%
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 Aggressive 60-180 15.65%
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 Passive 10-30 3.2%
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader Cannibalistic Stakato Leader location on the map 75 Aggressive 41-120 16.67%
Ashakiel's Blade 75 Passive 60-180 35.97%
Ashakiel's Rod 75 Passive 60-180 35.97%
Flame Spirit 75 Passive 60-180 35.97%
Charged Spirit 75 Passive 60-180 35.97%
Hot Springs Bandersnatch Hot Springs Bandersnatch location on the map 76 Aggressive 20-60 18.08%
Ghost of a Gatekeeper Ghost of a Gatekeeper location on the map 76 Passive 10-30 26.02%
Spiked Stakato Soldier Spiked Stakato Soldier location on the map 76 Aggressive 43-118 12.5%
Ketra Orc Footman Ketra Orc Footman location on the map 77 Aggressive 30-90 11.41%
Grazing Kookaburra Grazing Kookaburra location on the map 77 Aggressive 20-60 16.55%
Varka Silenos Footman Varka Silenos Footman location on the map 77 Aggressive 20-60 15.58%
Vassal Ghost Vassal Ghost location on the map 77 Passive 40-120 6.07%
Glaki's Henchman 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Glaki's Servant 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Family of Daimon 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Family of Daimon 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Fighter of Hestia 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Follower of Hestia 77 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Ketra Orc Scout Ketra Orc Scout location on the map 78 Aggressive 30-90 10.54%
Varka Silenos Hunter Varka Silenos Hunter location on the map 78 Aggressive 30-90 10.54%
Scarlet Stakato Soldier Scarlet Stakato Soldier location on the map 78 Aggressive 150-450 4.24%
Treasure Chest 78 Passive 10-30 13.43%
Spiked Stakato Captain Spiked Stakato Captain location on the map 78 Aggressive 30-89 20%
Shuriel's Oracle 78 Passive 60-180 39.18%
Shuriel's Paladin 78 Passive 60-180 39.18%
Galaxia's Guards 78 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Grazing Buffalo Grazing Buffalo location on the map 79 Aggressive 20-60 17.51%
Grazing Nepenthes Grazing Nepenthes location on the map 79 Aggressive 40-120 8.75%
Tepra Scorpion Tepra Scorpion location on the map 79 Aggressive 40-120 16.37%
Lavasaurus Lavasaurus location on the map 79 Aggressive 60-180 14.33%
Offering Bug 79 Passive 100-300 5.53%
Spiked Stakato Nurse Spiked Stakato Nurse location on the map 79 Passive 194-443 7.14%
Lilith's Agent 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Lilith's Escort 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Anakim's Guardian 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Anakim's Royal Guard 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Anakim's Executor 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Scout of Hekaton 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Servant of Hekaton 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Shadith's Royal Guard Captain 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Shadith's Sentinel 79 Passive 60-180 40.3%
Messenger of Angel 79 Passive 60-180 38.1%
Spiked Stakato 79 Passive 20-60 40.3%
Spiked Stakato 79 Passive 20-60 40.3%
Ketra Orc Warrior Ketra Orc Warrior location on the map 80 Aggressive 30-90 11.47%
Ketra Orc Medium Ketra Orc Medium location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 10.94%
Ketra Orc White Captain Ketra Orc White Captain location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 10.5%
Ketra Orc Seer Ketra Orc Seer location on the map 80 Aggressive 30-90 17.06%
Ketra Orc General Ketra Orc General location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 9.75%
Ketra Orc Grand Seer Ketra Orc Grand Seer location on the map 80 Aggressive 100-300 5.37%
Ketra Elite Guard 80 Passive 20-60 20.59%
Ketra's Head Guard 80 Passive 40-120 11.41%
Varka Silenos Warrior Varka Silenos Warrior location on the map 80 Aggressive 20-60 19.92%
Grazing Bandersnatch Grazing Bandersnatch location on the map 80 Aggressive 30-90 12.32%
Varka Silenos Officer Varka Silenos Officer location on the map 80 Aggressive 20-60 24.49%
Varka Silenos Seer Varka Silenos Seer location on the map 80 Aggressive 30-90 16.43%
Varka Silenos General Varka Silenos General location on the map 80 Aggressive 20-60 27.57%
Grazing Elder Antelope Grazing Elder Antelope location on the map 80 Aggressive 20-60 23.82%
Varka's Commander Varka's Commander location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 3.94%
Varka's Head Magus Varka's Head Magus location on the map 80 Aggressive 20-60 26.8%
Assassin Beetle Assassin Beetle location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 18.25%
Knight of Destruction Knight of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 400-1200 2.08%
Lavastone Golem Lavastone Golem location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 4.88%
Iblis of Destruction Iblis of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 280-840 3.67%
Ashuras of Destruction Ashuras of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 280-840 3.9%
Lavasillisk Lavasillisk location on the map 80 Aggressive 400-1200 2.2%
Guardian Scarab Guardian Scarab location on the map 80 Passive 40-120 17.23%
Guardian Scarab Guardian Scarab location on the map 80 Passive 40-120 14.05%
Ustralith Ustralith location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 5.98%
Ustralith Ustralith location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 4.6%
Assassin of Empire Assassin of Empire location on the map 80 Passive 100-300 6.7%
Assassin of Empire 80 Passive 100-300 6.76%
Imperial Commander Imperial Commander location on the map 80 Aggressive 100-300 6.93%
Imperial Commander Imperial Commander location on the map 80 Aggressive 100-300 10.8%
Abraxion Abraxion location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 6.44%
Abraxion Abraxion location on the map 80 Aggressive 150-450 4.38%
Hasturan 80 Aggressive 150-450 4.53%
Hasturan 80 Aggressive 150-450 4.73%
Arimanes 80 Passive 150-450 6.54%
Arimanes 80 Passive 150-450 5.58%
Guide of Offering 80 Passive 100-300 13.23%
Assassin Beetle Assassin Beetle location on the map 80 Aggressive 60-180 12.23%
Necromancer of Destruction Necromancer of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 17.39%
Arimanes of Destruction Arimanes of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 100-300 6.63%
Ashuras of Destruction Ashuras of Destruction location on the map 80 Aggressive 280-840 3.56%
Magma Drake Magma Drake location on the map 80 Aggressive 100-300 9.28%
Messenger Invader Archer 80 Aggressive 40-120 12.07%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 80 Aggressive 30-90 16.87%
Messenger Invader Priest 80 Passive 10-30 37.35%
Messenger Invader Warrior 80 Aggressive 150-450 2.85%
Messenger Invader Soldier 80 Aggressive 20-60 21.14%
Messenger Invader Berserker 80 Aggressive 150-450 3.33%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 80 Aggressive 400-1200 2.68%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 80 Passive 10-30 10.22%
Spiked Stakato Shaman Spiked Stakato Shaman location on the map 80 Aggressive 217-626 4.35%
Penance Guard Penance Guard location on the map 80 Aggressive 10-30 6.25%
Chapel Guard Chapel Guard location on the map 80 Aggressive 15-16 8.33%
Old Aristocrat's Soldier Old Aristocrat's Soldier location on the map 80 Passive 20-60 25%
Zombie Worker Zombie Worker location on the map 80 Passive 100-300 5.56%
Forgotten Victim Forgotten Victim location on the map 80 Passive 20-60 20%
Resurrected Temple Knight Resurrected Temple Knight location on the map 80 Aggressive 40-120 14.29%
Ritual Offering Ritual Offering location on the map 80 Passive 43-110 8.33%
Ritual Offering Ritual Offering location on the map 80 Passive 296-441 3.33%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Knight of Shadow 80 Passive 60-180 41.42%
Ritual Sacrifice Ritual Sacrifice location on the map 81 Passive 30-90 14.29%
Tayr's Aide 83 Passive 60-180 44.77%
Tayr's Guard 83 Passive 60-180 44.77%
Mos' Aide 83 Passive 60-180 44.77%
Mos' Guard 83 Passive 60-180 44.77%
Temple Guard Temple Guard location on the map 84 Aggressive 30-89 18%
Temple Guard Captain Temple Guard Captain location on the map 84 Aggressive 32-87 14.29%
Sentinel of Ember 84 Passive 60-180 45.88%
Messenger of Ember 84 Passive 60-180 45.88%
Ritual Sacrifice Ritual Sacrifice location on the map 85 Passive 32-87 4%
Ritual Sacrifice Ritual Sacrifice location on the map 85 Passive 150-450 3.7%
Triol's Priest Triol's Priest location on the map 85 Aggressive 40-120 14.29%
Andreas' Royal Guards 85 Aggressive 11-30 3.13%
Andreas'Acolyte 85 Aggressive 60-180 37.6%
Ritual Sacrifice Ritual Sacrifice location on the map 86 Passive 40-120 16.61%
Ritual Sacrifice Ritual Sacrifice location on the map 86 Passive 283-834 3.85%
Family of Nastron 86 Passive 60-180 48.12%
Family of Nastron 86 Passive 60-180 48.12%
Family of Ashutar 86 Passive 60-180 48.12%
Family of Ashutar 86 Passive 60-180 48.12%
Andreas'Acolyte 86 Aggressive 60-180 38.4933%
Splendor Disciple 86 Passive 60-180 38.4933%
Splendor Worshiper 86 Passive 60-180 38.4933%
Ritual Sacrifice 99 Passive 30-90 13.9359%