Forgotten Victim (80)
Exp: 31744, SP: 3564
Aggressive: No, Herbs: No
HP: 4550, P.Atk: 1850, M.Atk: 1191, RunSpd: 178
Item Name |
Crystals (Grade) |
Chance |
Drop |
Adena (4566-9322) |
- |
70% |
Mithril Arrow (20-60) |
- |
20% |
Varnish (1-3) |
- |
11.11% |
Coal (1-3) |
- |
8.33% |
Cokes (1) |
- |
5.88% |
Stone of Purity (1) |
- |
2.56% |
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment (1) |
- |
1% |
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design (1) |
- |
1 / 115 |
Mold Lubricant (1) |
- |
1 / 147 |
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design (1) |
- |
1 / 158 |
Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) (1) |
- |
1 / 2,174 |
Life Stone: level 76 (1) |
- |
1 / 4,049 |
Sealed Shield of Nightmare (1) |
148 A |
1 / 11,364 |
Sealed Majestic Circlet (1) |
211 A |
1 / 11,364 |
Sealed Helm of Nightmare (1) |
211 A |
1 / 11,364 |
Spoils |
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric (1) |
- |
12.5% |
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric (1) |
- |
12.5% |
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) (1) |
- |
1 / 400 |